Thursday, September 10, 2009

Suriving the First Week

It is hard to believe I have survived the first week of school!! I can honestly say I did not sleep at all the night before. I was so nervous!! Once the kids started arriving, however, things seemed to fall into place. My class is great! There are 24 kids in my new class. The days seem to fly by, and I do not think that I have actually gotten through all of the activities in my plans once this week! haha! I guess you figure things out as you go. :)

I have learned a few things during my first week, however. I learned to clarify the difference between a question and a story. Everytime I asked if there were any questions on an assignment, a student would raise his or her hand and say "This one time......" (definitely not a question). haha....we are working on it.

I have also learned that positive messages come in many different forms. I had my class create special tickets to exchange with each other. Each ticket was supposed to contain a positive message. As I looked them over after the midst of goods and greats was a message saying "that's tite yo". You have to give this student props for thinking outside the box. :) I mean who wouldn't want to hear that after a good deed.

This week has definitely been a learning experience but I am making it through my first week!! One more day to go! Whooo hoooo!

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